About Us

meet alex Fillman

As a lifelong Quakertown local and now business owner, Alex has seen this community evolve into what it is today. He's reflected back on himself as the kid working at the Q-Mart, to doing more nitty gritty work as a construction worker in his twenties, and now being a father and a husband, working with his tight-knit list of clients in his home gym. With his history and knowledge of being the least favorite player on the school sports teams and growing into the well-rounded athlete he is today; Relentless Iron is the next step to continuing his personal growth whilst helping others grow themselves. You may already be familiar with Alex, as he has frequented local gyms, and even managed one, over the course of the last 15+ years. He's been the "new guy" at the gym, the guy filming for his America Ninja Warrior tryout, the guy training for his bodybuilding shows. He's also been the guy burnt out from work but still showing up, and the father running on minimal sleep but still heads to the gym to clear his head. He has always had a passion for the fitness industry but faced many challenges turning his passion into a career. Now that these challenges have been overcome, Alex is ready to expand his in-home business and offer a variety of training to teenagers looking to become better athletes, and adults looking to commit to a healthier lifestyle. 

meet Chris Connelly

  • 20+ Years Experience with Sports and Wellness Supplements
  • CrossFit Competitor
  • 2x Medalist
  • Former MMA & BBJ Competitor

meet Pamela HEyman

  • 20+ Years of Fitness Experience
  • OCB Competitive Bodybuilder
  • Marathoner & Trail Runner
  • OCR Racer

MEET Kayla Horning

  • Athlete
  • Marathon Racer
  • Runner
  • Strength & Conditioning Specialist


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